
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  const sliders = document.querySelectorAll(".credit-slider");

  // Event listener for each slider to update fill color
  sliders.forEach((slider) => {
    slider.addEventListener("input", function () {
      const max = this.max || 100; // Default max if not specified
      const percentage = ((this.value - this.min) / (max - this.min)) * 100;

      // Update CSS variables for fill color and percentage
      this.style.setProperty("--slider-fill-percentage", `${percentage}%`);

  // Elements for displaying total and suggested tier
  const totalOutput = document.getElementById("total-credits");
  const suggestedTierOutput = document.getElementById("suggested-tier-output"); // Make sure to replace with your actual element ID

  // Slider configurations
  const slidersConfig = {
    monthlyInvoices: {
      slider: document.getElementById("monthly-invoices-slider"),
      outputLabel: document.getElementById("monthly-invoices-value"),
    invoicesPercentage: {
      slider: document.getElementById("invoices-percentage-slider"),
      outputLabel: document.getElementById("invoices-percentage-value"),
    bankStatements: {
      slider: document.getElementById("bank-statements-slider"),
      outputLabel: document.getElementById("bank-statements-value"),

  // Function to update the value display of each slider
  const updateSliderDisplay = (slider, outputLabel) => {
    outputLabel.childNodes[0].textContent = slider.value;

  // Add event listeners to sliders
  Object.values(slidersConfig).forEach(({ slider, outputLabel }) => {
    slider.addEventListener("input", () => {
      updateSliderDisplay(slider, outputLabel);

  // Function to calculate total credits
  function calculateTotal() {
    const { monthlyInvoices, invoicesPercentage, bankStatements } =
    const monthlyInvoicesValue = +monthlyInvoices.slider.value;
    const invoicesPercentageValue = +invoicesPercentage.slider.value / 100;
    const bankStatementsValue = +bankStatements.slider.value;
    return Math.round(
      monthlyInvoicesValue * invoicesPercentageValue +
        monthlyInvoicesValue +
        bankStatementsValue * 3

  // Function to determine and update the suggested tier
  function updateSuggestedTier(total) {
    let tierName;
    // Tier logic (adjust according to your requirements)
    if (total <= 0) tierName = "None";
    else if (total < 50) tierName = "Bronze";
    else if (total < 100) tierName = "Silver";
    else if (total < 200) tierName = "Gold";
    else if (total < 500) tierName = "Platinum";
    else if (total < 1500) tierName = "Diamond";
    else if (total < 2500) tierName = "Sapphire";
    else tierName = "Please book a demo for a customised package";

    suggestedTierOutput.textContent = tierName;

  // Function to update total credits and suggested tier
  function updateTotalAndTier() {
    const total = calculateTotal();
    totalOutput.textContent = total;

  // Initialize by setting initial values


// Get all the 'w-tabs' elements on the page
var allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".w-tabs");

// Loop through each 'w-tabs' element
allTabs.forEach(function(tabs) {
  // Select the first tab link and the first tab pane within this specific 'w-tabs' container
  var firstTab = tabs.querySelector(".w-tab-link:first-child");
  var firstTabPane = tabs.querySelector(".w-tab-pane:first-child");

  // Check if the elements exist to avoid errors
  if (firstTab && firstTabPane) {
    // Add the 'w--current' class to the first tab link and pane to make them active


// Ensure the latest version of moment-timezone is loaded
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src =

// Converts a given date string to the ISO8601 format more reliably
function convertToISO8601(dateStr) {
  const [date, time] = dateStr.split(' ');
  return `${date}T${time}:00Z`; // Ensure it ends with 'Z' for UTC time

// Updates the deadline based on the 'data-countdown' attribute
function updateDeadline() {
  const sourceElement = document.querySelector('[data-countdown="new-deadline-cms"]');
  if (!sourceElement) {
    console.error('Source element not found');
  const dateString = sourceElement.textContent.trim();
  const isoDateString = convertToISO8601(dateString);
  const targetElement = document.querySelector('[data-countdown="new-deadline"]');
  if (!targetElement) {
    console.error('Target element not found');
  targetElement.textContent = isoDateString;

// Calculate the time remaining until a deadline, considering time zone specifics
function getTimeRemaining(endtime, deadlineTimeZone, userTimeZone) {
  const userCurrentTime = moment().tz(userTimeZone);
  const deadlineTime = moment.tz(endtime, deadlineTimeZone);

  console.log("User Current Time:", userCurrentTime.format());
  console.log("Deadline Time:", deadlineTime.format());

  let timeDiffMilliseconds = deadlineTime.diff(userCurrentTime);

  console.log("Time Difference in Milliseconds:", timeDiffMilliseconds);

  if (timeDiffMilliseconds < 0) {
    return { days: 0, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, total: 0, expired: true };

  return {
    days: Math.floor(timeDiffMilliseconds / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)),
    hours: Math.floor((timeDiffMilliseconds / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24),
    minutes: Math.floor((timeDiffMilliseconds / 1000 / 60) % 60),
    seconds: Math.floor((timeDiffMilliseconds / 1000) % 60),
    total: timeDiffMilliseconds,
    expired: false

// Updates the countdown display on the webpage
function updateCountdownDisplay(time) {
  document.querySelector('[data-countdown="js-clock-days"]').innerText = time.days.toString()
    .padStart(2, '0');
  document.querySelector('[data-countdown="js-clock-hours"]').innerText = time.hours.toString()
    .padStart(2, '0');
  document.querySelector('[data-countdown="js-clock-minutes"]').innerText = time.minutes.toString()
    .padStart(2, '0');
  document.querySelector('[data-countdown="js-clock-seconds"]').innerText = time.seconds.toString()
    .padStart(2, '0');

  if (time.expired) {
    document.querySelector('[data-countdown="js-clock"]').style.display = 'none';
    document.querySelector('[data-countdown="after-deadline"]').style.display = 'block';
    document.querySelector('[data-countdown="banner"]').style.display = 'none';

// Main function to start and manage the countdown timer
function clock(endtime, deadlineTimeZone, userTimeZone) {

  window.timeinterval = setInterval(() => {
    const time = getTimeRemaining(endtime, deadlineTimeZone, userTimeZone);
    if (time.total <= 0) {
    } else {
  }, 1000);

// Start the countdown
function startCountdown() {
  const newDeadlineElement = document.querySelector('[data-countdown="new-deadline"]');
  const deadlineTimeZoneElement = document.querySelector('[data-countdown="deadline-zone"]');
  const userTimeZone = moment.tz.guess();

  if (newDeadlineElement && deadlineTimeZoneElement) {
    const deadline = newDeadlineElement.textContent.trim();
    // Assume the time zone information is the second part after splitting and strip any additional info or spaces
    let deadlineTimeZone = deadlineTimeZoneElement.textContent.trim().split(":")[2].trim();

    console.log("Starting countdown to:", deadline, "in time zone:", deadlineTimeZone);
    console.log("User's current time zone:", userTimeZone);

    clock(deadline, deadlineTimeZone, userTimeZone);
  } else {
    console.error("Deadline element or deadline time zone element not found.");



function convertToISO8601(dateStr) {
  // Properly format the string to ISO 8601 by inserting 'T' and adding ':00' for seconds
  return dateStr.replace(' ', 'T') + ':00';

function updateDeadline() {
  // Select the element with the 'new-deadline-cms' attribute
  const sourceElement = document.querySelector('[data-countdown="new-deadline-cms"]');
  const dateString = sourceElement.textContent.trim();
  const isoDateString = convertToISO8601(dateString);

  // Select the element where the new ISO date should be set
  const targetElement = document.querySelector('[data-countdown="new-deadline"]');

  // Update the text content of the target element with the new formatted date
  targetElement.textContent = isoDateString;

  // Optionally, you might want to update the display or log to console
  console.log(isoDateString); // Outputs the new formatted date
  // targetElement.textContent = isoDateString; // Uncomment if you want to display it

// Call the function when appropriate, e.g., after the document has loaded


function initializeSwiper(selector, nextEl, prevEl) {
  return new Swiper(selector, {
    loop: true,
    slidesPerView: 1,
    spaceBetween: 16,
    allowTouchMove: false,
    navigation: {
      nextEl: nextEl,
      prevEl: prevEl
    breakpoints: {
      767: {
        slidesPerView: 3

const articlesSlider = initializeSwiper(".swiper.is-articles", ".swiper-btn-next-article",
const caseStudiesSlider = initializeSwiper(".swiper.is-case-studies", ".swiper-btn-next-case-study",
const newsSlider = initializeSwiper(".swiper.is-news", ".swiper-btn-next-news",
const makingTaxDigitalSlider = initializeSwiper(".swiper.is-making-tax-digital",
  ".swiper-btn-next-tax-digital", ".swiper-btn-prev-tax-digital");


// Select the input element that will trigger the toggle
const accountantSwitch = document.querySelector('input[switch="accountants-business"]');

// Set the default checked state to true if you want the accountant elements hidden and business elements shown
accountantSwitch.checked =
  true; // Business elements shown and active, accountant elements hidden by default

// Correcting the attribute selector to match intended elements
const businessElements = document.querySelectorAll('[switch="business"]');
const accountantElements = document.querySelectorAll('[switch="accountants"]');

// Select the elements that need to have their 'active' class toggled
const triggerAccountantElement = document.querySelector('[switch="trigger_accountants"]');
const triggerBusinessElement = document.querySelector('[switch="trigger_businesses"]');

// Attach a change event listener to the switch
accountantSwitch.addEventListener('change', function () {
  // Toggle visibility for business and accountant elements
  businessElements.forEach(element => {
    element.classList.toggle('active', !this.checked);
    element.classList.toggle('hidden', this.checked); // Now also toggles 'active'

  accountantElements.forEach(element => {
    element.classList.toggle('active', this.checked);
    element.classList.toggle('hidden', !this.checked); // Now also toggles 'active'

  // Directly toggle 'active' class on trigger elements based on the checkbox's checked state
  if (triggerAccountantElement) {
    triggerAccountantElement.classList.toggle('active', !this.checked);
  if (triggerBusinessElement) {
    triggerBusinessElement.classList.toggle('active', this.checked);

// Initialize the 'active' class for triggerBusinessElement
if (triggerBusinessElement) {
  triggerBusinessElement.classList.add('active'); // Ensures it starts active

// Manually trigger the change event to sync the initial state
accountantSwitch.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));


function initializeSwiper(selector, nextEl, prevEl) {
  return new Swiper(selector, {
    loop: true,
    slidesPerView: 1,
    spaceBetween: 16,
    allowTouchMove: false,
    navigation: {
      nextEl: nextEl,
      prevEl: prevEl
    pagination: { // Moved out of 'navigation'
      el: '.swiper-pagination',
    breakpoints: {
      767: {
        slidesPerView: 1 // This is only needed if different from the default



// Function to track button click events
function trackButton(button) {
  var buttonText = button.textContent || button.innerText; // Get the button text
  var destinationUrl = button.getAttribute('href') || '#'; // Default destination URL

  // Adjust destination URL for specific buttons
  if (button.id === 'sales-call') {
    destinationUrl = 'Special handling for sales-call popup'; // Adjust based on your logic

  // Send the data using Tealium's utag.link method
    "event_name": "cta_click",
    "destination_url": destinationUrl, // Dynamically filled
    "element_text": buttonText, // Dynamically filled
    "element_id": button.id || '', // Dynamically filled
    "element_class": button.className, // Dynamically filled
    "event_category": "component", // Updated category
    "event_action": "button_click",
    "event_label": buttonText, // Dynamically filled
    "event_name_level_2": window.location.href // Current page URL

  // Console log for debugging
  console.log('CTA click tracked:', buttonText, destinationUrl);

// Function to add event listener to a button
function addButtonListener(button) {
  button.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
  }, false); // The 'false' parameter ensures the event is captured in the bubbling phase

// Select CTA buttons using the shared class '.btn-default.x-outline' and the new classes '.w-button.tracked-cta', then add event listeners
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.btn-default.x-outline, .w-button.tracked-cta');

No Used - ae-make-fist-tab-default.js

// Not in used - solution in codesandbox

// Get all the 'w-tabs' elements on the page
var allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".w-tabs");

// Loop through each 'w-tabs' element
allTabs.forEach(function (tabs) {
  // Select the first tab link and the first tab pane within this specific 'w-tabs' container
  var firstTab = tabs.querySelector(".w-tab-link:first-child");
  var firstTabPane = tabs.querySelector(".w-tab-pane:first-child");

  // Check if the elements exist to avoid errors
  if (firstTab && firstTabPane) {
    // Add the 'w--current' class to the first tab link and pane to make them active

Commented -ae-tracking-contact-page-cta.js

/*function trackButton(button) {
  var buttonText = button.textContent || button.innerText; // Get the button text
  var destinationUrl = button.getAttribute('href') || '#'; // Default destination URL

  // Adjust destination URL for specific buttons
  if (button.id === 'sales-call') {
    destinationUrl = 'Special handling for sales-call popup'; // Adjust based on your logic

  // Send the data using Tealium's utag.link method
    "event_name": "cta_click",
    "destination_url": destinationUrl, // Now dynamically filled
    "element_text": buttonText, // Now dynamically filled
    "element_id": button.id || '', // Now dynamically filled
    "element_class": button.className, // Now dynamically filled
    "event_category": "component", // Updated category
    "event_action": "button_click",
    "event_label": buttonText, // Now dynamically filled
    "event_name_level_2": window.location.href // Current page URL

  // Console log for debugging
  console.log('CTA click tracked:', buttonText, destinationUrl);

// Function to add event listener to a button
function addButtonListener(button) {
  button.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
  }, false); // The 'false' parameter ensures the event is captured in the bubbling phase

// Select CTA buttons using the shared class combo '.btn-default.x-outline' and add event listeners
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.btn-default.x-outline');