AutoEntry and the Dublin Simon Community KM Challenge - Update!
Update! The numbers are in: Our target was 12,500km and the final distance tracked is 21,247.17 kms!
That is 170% of our target achieved, an extra 8,747kms.
AutoEntry and Sage raised thousands for Dublin Simon Community: A major contribution was made by Sage, along with dozens of individual ones from staff.
AutoEntry and the Dublin branch of its parent company, Sage, are taking part in the Dublin Simon Community KM Challenge.
The charity event is spread over 5 weeks and asks colleagues across all departments to collectively walk, run or cycle 2,500 kilometres. After the 5 weeks, once that goal is reached, Sage will make a donation to Simon Community Dublin.
Additionally, many of us are digging into our own pockets to make donations, and Sage matches every one of those donations made.
This is a classic win-win story: we get the chance to get active in January and February (always a challenging couple of months - and especially so this year). And we raise and donate money to one of our favourite causes.
It’s a very important project for us at AutoEntry. We’ve always been passionate about our charity contributions and the past year has been very tough on the charity and the NPO sector. Not only have donations been down overall, due to the pandemic and recession; but Covid has meant that several charity events have been cancelled too.
Dublin Simon Community is one of Ireland’s best known and most reputable charities. It provides services to thousands of families across Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow, Meath, Louth, Cavan and Monaghan who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
So we’re clocking up the kilometres. Last week AutoEntry travelled almost 900km (all within permitted limits, of course). The highest scoring team were the Business Analysts with an average of 57km per person. (Full disclosure - this is partly due to Garrett Banahan clocking up 197k in one week - the highest of anyone taking part in Sage.)
But it's all to play for in the coming weeks! Meanwhile, we’re sharing our experiences with one another on social media, enjoying the inspirational and beautiful photos, from epic sunsets to snow caked mountains to adorable dogs.
We’ll keep you posted on kilometres clocked and - more importantly - how much we raise for Simon.
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