Using apps to combat the accounting recruitment crisis
Issues with staffing resource in accounting is forcing us all to do more, with less. You can intelligently use software, apps and services to work alongside employees, so that you make optimal use of your schedule. Learn how in this blog.
What do you need to be a successful accountant or bookkeeper?
From technology to business plans, in this blog we look at what you need to setup in business as a bookeeper or accountant. Or, if you're already in practice, you can use this blog to check to see if you have the optimal setup.
How to calculate VAT
Here are all the calculations needed to work out VAT for all the VAT rates. Whether you need to work out how much VAT should be applied, how much something costs without VAT, how much something costs when only the VAT amount is supplied, or how businesses should calculate their VAT bill, this article has all you need—along with useful information about how VAT is applied.
5 Self Assessment tax return gotchas to watch out for
Doing your taxes? This article looks at the paperwork you require, how to make data entry much easier, ensuring you have your tax payment ready, knowing when to ask for help, and how to prepare for Making Tax Digital.